Funny! Artist Uses His Thing To Make a Portrait of Kim Kardashian's Butt (SEE Photos)

An artist has used his penis to make a portrait of Kim Kardashian's butt .. Danish artist Uwe Max Jensen told Dailydot "I hav...

An artist has used his penis to make a portrait of Kim Kardashian's butt .. Danish artist Uwe Max Jensen told Dailydot
"I have my penis in one hand and the canvas in the other, "I have a very skilled penis, art-wise."When using this particular tool, though, size does matter! "It is hard to do an entire canvas using only one's 'natural brush,'" "If one is ill-equipped, it is difficult to reproduce the small details, but if one is well-endowed, it is easier to produce a better painting." "My penis is an organ. I need it to reproduce, and for sex and joy," "But I can also use it in my art, and that's joyful for me on more levels."
 On why he choose Kim Kardashian's butt....
"I saw this picture of Kim Kardashian and this very impressive behind she has, and I thought, 'This must be portrait number two,'" 


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